Second of four short stories written over the course of December 2021. This one, called The Card, is going for a… modern economics-themed fable? Not sure what I’d call it.

It was an unexceptional Monday
until an unwanted guest visited my dwelling.
Against my better judgment, I let him in.
And the Businessman, as he entered, had this to say.

“Your left shoe is to be forfeit in the name of profit;
Here and now, I expect great dividends from it.
Worry not, it will be returned and more.
You’ll get more shoes than you bargained for.”

Having said that, and little more,
He took my shoe, went out the door.
I was relieved and even glad.
All things considered, a shoe isn’t that bad.

It was a perfectly serviceable Tuesday
until an unwanted guest visited my dwelling.
Against my better judgment, I let him in.
And the Businessman, as he entered, had this to say.

“Your stove is to be forfeit in the name of profit;
Here and now, I expect great dividends from it.
Worry not, it will be returned and more.
You’ll get more stoves than you bargained for.”

I wanted to scream. “What about my shoe? What about my laptop?”
“What about what you’ve already taken? When does this stop?”
Before I could find my voice, he had already fled.
And I was left in a yet emptier shed.

When did the Businessman come, for who does he stay?
Through what power did he find his sway?
Maybe at one point, his promises were sound.
What’s for certain: when he returns, I’ll stand my ground.